Webster's Unabridged Dictionary - Letter U - Page 6

Unburiable (a.) Not ready or not proper to be buried.

Unburrow (v. t.) To force from a burrow; to unearth.

Unburthen (v. t.) To unburden; to unload.

Unbury (v. t.) To disinter; to exhume; fig., to disclose.

Unbusied (a.) Not required to work; unemployed; not busy.

Unbutton (v. t.) To loose the buttons of; to unfasten.

Unbuxom (a.) Disobedient.

Uncage (v. t.) To loose, or release, from, or as from, a cage.

Uncalled-for (a.) Not called for; not required or needed; improper; gratuitous; wanton.

Uncalm (v. t.) To disturb; to disquiet.

Uncamp (v. t.) To break up the camp of; to dislodge from camp.

Uncanny (a.) Not canny; unsafe; strange; weird; ghostly.

Uncanonize (v. t.) To deprive of canonical authority.

Uncanonize (v. t.) To reduce from the rank of a canonized saint.

Uncap (v. t.) To remove a cap or cover from.

Uncapable (a.) Incapable.

Uncape (v. t.) To remove a cap or cape from.

Uncapper (n.) An instrument for removing an explode cap from a cartridge shell.

Uncardinal (v. t.) To degrade from the cardinalship.

Uncared (a.) Not cared for; not heeded; -- with for.

Uncarnate (a.) Not fleshy; specifically, not made flesh; not incarnate.

Uncarnate (v. t.) To divest of flesh.

Uncart (v. t.) To take from, or set free from, a cart; to unload.

Uncase (v. t.) To take out of a case or covering; to remove a case or covering from; to uncover.

Uncase (v. t.) To strip; to flay.

Uncase (v. t.) To display, or spread to view, as a flag, or the colors of a military body.

Uncastle (v. t.) To take a castle from; to turn out of a castle.

Uncaused (a.) Having no antecedent cause; uncreated; self-existent; eternal.

Uncautelous (a.) Incautious.

Uncautious (a.) Incautious.

Uncautiously (adv.) Incautiously.

Unce (n.) A claw.

Unce (n.) An ounce; a small portion.

Unceasable (a.) Not capable of being ended; unceasing.

Uncenter (v. t.) Alt. of Uncentre

Uncentre (v. t.) To throw from its center.

Uncentury (v. t.) To remove from its actual century.

Uncertain (a.) Not certain; not having certain knowledge; not assured in mind; distrustful.

Uncertain (a.) Irresolute; inconsonant; variable; untrustworthy; as, an uncertain person; an uncertain breeze.

Uncertain (a.) Questionable; equivocal; indefinite; problematical.

Uncertain (a.) Not sure; liable to fall or err; fallible.

Uncertain (a.) To make uncertain.

Uncertainly (adv.) In an uncertain manner.

Uncertainties (pl. ) of Uncertainty

Uncertainty (n.) The quality or state of being uncertain.

Uncertainty (n.) That which is uncertain; something unknown.

Uncessant (a.) Incessant.

Unchain (v. t.) To free from chains or slavery; to let loose.

Unchancy (a.) Happening at a bad time; unseasonable; inconvenient.

Unchancy (a.) Ill-fated; unlucky.

Unchancy (a.) Unsafe to meddle with; dangerous.

Unchaplain (v. t.) To remove from a chaplaincy.

Uncharge (v. t.) To free from a charge or load; to unload.

Uncharge (v. t.) To free from an accusation; to make no charge against; to acquit.

Unchariot (v. t.) To throw out of a chariot.

Uncharitable (a.) Not charitable; contrary to charity; severe in judging; harsh; censorious; as, uncharitable opinions or zeal.

Uncharity (n.) Uncharitableness.

Uncharm (v. t.) To release from a charm, fascination, or secret power; to disenchant.

Uncharneled (imp. & p. p.) of Uncharnel

Uncharneling (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Uncharnel

Uncharnel (v. t.) To remove from a charnel house; to raise from the grave; to exhume.

Unchaste (a.) Not chaste; not continent; lewd.

Unchastity (n.) The quality or state of being unchaste; lewdness; incontinence.

Uncheckable (a.) Not capable of being checked or stopped.

Unchild (v. t.) To bereave of children; to make childless.

Unchild (v. t.) To make unlike a child; to divest of the characteristics of a child.

Unchristen (v. t.) To render unchristian.

Unchristened (a.) Not christened; as, an unchristened child.

Unchristian (a.) Not Christian; not converted to the Christian faith; infidel.

Unchristian (a.) Contrary to Christianity; not like or becoming a Christian; as, unchristian conduct.

Unchristian (v. t.) To make unchristian.

Unchristianize (v. t.) To turn from the Christian faith; to cause to abandon the belief and profession of Christianity.

Unchristianly (a.) Unchristian.

Unchristianly (adv.) In an unchristian manner.

Unchristianness (n.) The quality or state of being unchristian.

Unchurch (v. t.) To expel, or cause to separate, from a church; to excommunicate.

Unchurch (v. t.) To deprive of the character, privileges, and authority of a church.

Unciae (pl. ) of Uncia

Uncia (n.) A twelfth part, as of the Roman as; an ounce.

Uncia (n.) A numerical coefficient in any particular case of the binomial theorem.

Uncial (a.) Of, pertaining to, or designating, a certain style of letters used in ancient manuscripts, esp. in Greek and Latin manuscripts. The letters are somewhat rounded, and the upstrokes and downstrokes usually have a slight inclination. These letters were used as early as the 1st century b. c., and were seldom used after the 10th century a. d., being superseded by the cursive style.

Uncial (n.) An uncial letter.

Unciatim (adv.) Ounce by ounce.

Unciform (a.) Having the shape of a hook; being of a curved or hooked from; hooklike.

Unciform (n.) The unciform bone. See Illust. of Perissodactyla.

Uncinata (n. pl.) A division of marine chaetopod annelids which are furnished with uncini, as the serpulas and sabellas.

Uncinate (a.) Hooked; bent at the tip in the form of a hook; as, an uncinate process.

Uncinatum (n.) The unciform bone.

Uncini (pl. ) of Uncinus

Uncinus (n.) One of the peculiar minute chitinous hooks found in large numbers in the tori of tubicolous annelids belonging to the Uncinata.

Uncipher (v. t.) To decipher; as, to uncipher a letter.

Uncircumcised (n.) Not circumcised; hence, not of the Israelites.

Uncircumcision (n.) The absence or want of circumcision.

Uncircumcision (n.) People not circumcised; the Gentiles.

Uncircumstandtial (a.) Not circumstantial; not entering into minute particulars.

Uncircumstandtial (a.) Not important; not pertinent; trivial.

Uncity (v. t.) To deprive of the rank or rights of a city.

Uncivil (a.) Not civilized; savage; barbarous; uncivilized.

Uncivil (a.) Not civil; not complaisant; discourteous; impolite; rude; unpolished; as, uncivil behavior.

Uncivility (n.) Incivility.

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