Webster's Unabridged Dictionary - Letter N - Page 1

N () the fourteenth letter of English alphabet, is a vocal consonent, and, in allusion to its mode of formation, is called the dentinasal or linguanasal consonent. Its commoner sound is that heard in ran, done; but when immediately followed in the same word by the sound of g hard or k (as in single, sink, conquer), it usually represents the same sound as the digraph ng in sing, bring, etc. This is a simple but related sound, and is called the gutturo-nasal consonent. See Guide to Pronunciation, // 243-246.

N (n.) A measure of space equal to half an M (or em); an en.

Na (a. & adv.) No, not. See No.

Nab (n.) The summit of an eminence.

Nab (n.) The cock of a gunlock.

Nab (n.) The keeper, or box into which the lock is shot.

Nabbed (imp. & p. p.) of Nab

Nabbing (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Nab

Nab (v. t.) To catch or seize suddenly or unexpectedly.

Nabit (n.) Pulverized sugar candy.

Nabk (n.) The edible berries of the Zizyphys Lotus, a tree of Northern Africa, and Southwestern Europe.

Nabob (n.) A deputy or viceroy in India; a governor of a province of the ancient Mogul empire.

Nabob (n.) One who returns to Europe from the East with immense riches: hence, any man of great wealth.

Nacarat (n.) A pale red color, with a cast of orange.

Nacarat (n.) Fine linen or crape dyed of this color.

Nacker (n.) See Nacre.

Nacre (n.) A pearly substance which lines the interior of many shells, and is most perfect in the mother-of-pearl. [Written also nacker and naker.] See Pearl, and Mother-of-pearl.

Nacreous (a.) Consisting of, or resembling, nacre; pearly.

Nad () Alt. of Nadde

Nadde () Had not.

Nadder (n.) An adder.

Nadir (n.) That point of the heavens, or lower hemisphere, directly opposite the zenith; the inferior pole of the horizon; the point of the celestial sphere directly under the place where we stand.

Nadir (n.) The lowest point; the time of greatest depression.

Naenia (n.) See Nenia.

Naeve (n.) A naevus.

Naevoid (a.) Resembling a naevus or naevi; as, naevoid elephantiasis.

Naevose (a.) Spotted; frecled.

Naevi (pl. ) of Navus

Navus (n.) A spot or mark on the skin of children when born; a birthmark; -- usually applied to vascular tumors, i. e., those consisting mainly of blood vessels, as dilated arteries, veins, or capillaries.

Nag (n.) A small horse; a pony; hence, any horse.

Nag (n.) A paramour; -- in contempt.

Nagged (imp. & p. p.) of Nag

Nagging (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Nag

Nag (v. t. & i.) To tease in a petty way; to scold habitually; to annoy; to fret pertinaciously.

Nagging (a.) Fault-finding; teasing; persistently annoying; as, a nagging toothache.

Naggy (a.) Irritable; touchy.

Nagor (n.) A West African gazelle (Gazella redunca).

Nagyagite (n.) A mineral of blackish lead-gray color and metallic luster, generally of a foliated massive structure; foliated tellurium. It is a telluride of lead and gold.

Naiad (n.) A water nymph; one of the lower female divinities, fabled to preside over some body of fresh water, as a lake, river, brook, or fountain.

Naiad (n.) Any species of a tribe (Naiades) of freshwater bivalves, including Unio, Anodonta, and numerous allied genera; a river mussel.

Naiad (n.) One of a group of butterflies. See Nymph.

Naiad (n.) Any plant of the order Naiadaceae, such as eelgrass, pondweed, etc.

Naiant (a.) See Natant.

Naid (n.) Any one of numerous species of small, fresh-water, chaetopod annelids of the tribe Naidina. They belong to the Oligochaeta.

Naif (a.) Having a true natural luster without being cut; -- applied by jewelers to a precious stone.

Naif (a.) Naive; as, a naif remark.

Naik (n.) A chief; a leader; a Sepoy corporal.

Nail (n.) the horny scale of plate of epidermis at the end of the fingers and toes of man and many apes.

Nail (n.) The basal thickened portion of the anterior wings of certain hemiptera.

Nail (n.) The terminal horny plate on the beak of ducks, and other allied birds.

Nail (n.) A slender, pointed piece of metal, usually with a head, used for fastening pieces of wood or other material together, by being driven into or through them.

Nail (a.) A measure of length, being two inches and a quarter, or the sixteenth of a yard.

Nailed (imp. & p. p.) of Nail

Nailing (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Nail

Nail (n.) To fasten with a nail or nails; to close up or secure by means of nails; as, to nail boards to the beams.

Nail (n.) To stud or boss with nails, or as with nails.

Nail (n.) To fasten, as with a nail; to bind or hold, as to a bargain or to acquiescence in an argument or assertion; hence, to catch; to trap.

Nail (n.) To spike, as a cannon.

Nailbrush (n.) A brush for cleaning the nails.

Nailer (n.) One whose occupation is to make nails; a nail maker.

Nailer (n.) One who fastens with, or drives, nails.

Naileress (n.) A women who makes nailes.

Naileries (pl. ) of Nailery

Nailery () A manufactory where nails are made.

Nail-headed (a.) Having a head like that of a nail; formed so as to resemble the head of a nail.

Nailless (a.) Without nails; having no nails.

Nainsook (n.) A thick sort of jaconet muslin, plain or striped, formerly made in India.

Nais (n.) See Naiad.

Naissant (a.) Same as Jessant.

Naive (a.) Having native or unaffected simplicity; ingenuous; artless; frank; as, naive manners; a naive person; naive and unsophisticated remarks.

Naively (adv.) In a naive manner.

Naivete (n.) Native simplicity; unaffected plainness or ingenuousness; artlessness.

Naivety (n.) Naivete.

Nake (v.t.) To make naked.

Naked (a.) Having no clothes on; uncovered; nude; bare; as, a naked body; a naked limb; a naked sword.

Naked (a.) Having no means of defense or protection; open; unarmed; defenseless.

Naked (a.) Unprovided with needful or desirable accessories, means of sustenance, etc.; destitute; unaided; bare.

Naked (a.) Without addition, exaggeration, or excuses; not concealed or disguised; open to view; manifest; plain.

Naked (a.) Mere; simple; plain.

Naked (a.) Without pubescence; as, a naked leaf or stem; bare, or not covered by the customary parts, as a flower without a perianth, a stem without leaves, seeds without a pericarp, buds without bud scales.

Naked (a.) Not having the full complement of tones; -- said of a chord of only two tones, which requires a third tone to be sounded with them to make the combination pleasing to the ear; as, a naked fourth or fifth.

Nakedly (adv.) In a naked manner; without covering or disguise; manifestly; simply; barely.

Nakedness (n.) The condition of being naked.

Nakedness (n.) The privy parts; the genitals.

Naker (n.) Same as Nacre.

Naker (n.) A kind of kettledrum.

Nakoo (n.) The gavial.

Nale (n.) Ale; also, an alehouse.

Nall (n.) An awl.

Nam () Am not.

Nam () imp. of Nim.

Namable (a.) Capable of being named.

Namation (n.) A distraining or levying of a distress; an impounding.

Namaycush (n.) A large North American lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush). It is usually spotted with red, and sometimes weighs over forty pounds. Called also Mackinaw trout, lake trout, lake salmon, salmon trout, togue, and tuladi.

Namby-pamby (n.) Talk or writing which is weakly sentimental or affectedly pretty.

Namby-pamby (a.) Affectedly pretty; weakly sentimental; finical; insipid.

Name (n.) The title by which any person or thing is known or designated; a distinctive specific appellation, whether of an individual or a class.

Name (n.) A descriptive or qualifying appellation given to a person or thing, on account of a character or acts.

Name (n.) Reputed character; reputation, good or bad; estimation; fame; especially, illustrious character or fame; honorable estimation; distinction.

Name (n.) Those of a certain name; a race; a family.

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