Webster's Unabridged Dictionary - Letter I - Page 71

Involve (v. t.) To raise to any assigned power; to multiply, as a quantity, into itself a given number of times; as, a quantity involved to the third or fourth power.

Involved (a.) Same as Involute.

Involvedness (n.) The state of being involved.

Involvement (n.) The act of involving, or the state of being involved.

Invulgar (v. t.) To cause to become or appear vulgar.

Invulgar (a.) Not vulgar; refined; elegant.

Invulnerability (n.) Quality or state of being invulnerable.

Invulnerable (a.) Incapable of being wounded, or of receiving injury.

Invulnerable (a.) Unanswerable; irrefutable; that can not be refuted or convinced; as, an invulnerable argument.

Invulnerableness (n.) Invulnerability.

Invulnerate (a.) Invulnerable.

Inwalled (imp. & p. p.) of Inwall

Inwalling (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Inwall

Inwall (v. t.) To inclose or fortify as with a wall.

Inwall (n.) An inner wall; specifically (Metal.), the inner wall, or lining, of a blast furnace.

Inward (a.) Being or placed within; inner; interior; -- opposed to outward.

Inward (a.) Seated in the mind, heart, spirit, or soul.

Inward (a.) Intimate; domestic; private.

Inward (n.) That which is inward or within; especially, in the plural, the inner parts or organs of the body; the viscera.

Inward (n.) The mental faculties; -- usually pl.

Inward (n.) An intimate or familiar friend or acquaintance.

Inward (a.) Alt. of Inwards

Inwards (a.) Toward the inside; toward the center or interior; as, to bend a thing inward.

Inwards (a.) Into, or toward, the mind or thoughts; inwardly; as, to turn the attention inward.

Inwardly (adv.) In the inner parts; internally.

Inwardly (adv.) Toward the center; inward; as, to curve inwardly.

Inwardly (adv.) In the heart or mind; mentally; privately; secret/y; as, he inwardly repines.

Inwardly (adv.) Intimately; thoroughly.

Inwardness (n.) Internal or true state; essential nature; as, the inwardness of conduct.

Inwardness (n.) Intimacy; familiarity.

Inwardness (n.) Heartiness; earnestness.

Inwards (adv.) See Inward.

Inweave (v. t.) To weave in or together; to intermix or intertwine by weaving; to interlace.

Inwheel (v. t.) To encircle.

Inwit (n.) Inward sense; mind; understanding; conscience.

Inwith (prep.) Within.

Inwork (v. t. & i.) To work in or within.

Itworn (p. a.) Worn, wrought, or stamped in.

Inwrap (v. t.) To cover by wrapping; to involve; to infold; as, to inwrap in a cloak, in smoke, etc.

Inwrap (v. t.) To involve, as in difficulty or perplexity; to perplex.

Inwreathe (v. t.) To surround or encompass as with a wreath.

Inwrought (p. p. / a.) Wrought or worked in or among other things; worked into any fabric so as to from a part of its texture; wrought or adorned, as with figures.

Ios (pl. ) of Io

Io (n.) An exclamation of joy or triumph; -- often interjectional.

Iod- () See Iodo-.

Iodal (n.) An oily liquid, Cl3.CHO, analogous to chloral and bromal.

Iodate (n.) A salt of iodic acid.

Iodhydrin (n.) One of a series of compounds containing iodine, and analogous to the chlorhydrins.

Iodic (a.) to, or containing, iodine; specif., denoting those compounds in which it has a relatively high valence; as, iodic acid.

Iodide (n.) A binary compound of iodine, or one which may be regarded as binary; as, potassium iodide.

Iodine (n.) A nonmetallic element, of the halogen group, occurring always in combination, as in the iodides. When isolated it is in the form of dark gray metallic scales, resembling plumbago, soft but brittle, and emitting a chlorinelike odor. Symbol I. Atomic weight 126.5. If heated, iodine volatilizes in beautiful violet vapors.

Iodism (n.) A morbid state produced by the use of iodine and its compounds, and characterized by palpitation, depression, and general emaciation, with a pustular eruption upon the skin.

Iodized (imp. & p. p.) of Iodize

Iodizing (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Iodize

Iodize (v. t.) To treat or impregnate with iodine or its compounds; as, to iodize a plate for photography.

Iodizer (n.) One who, or that which, iodizes.

Iodo- () Alt. of Iod-

Iod- () A prefix, or combining from, indicating iodine as an ingredient; as, iodoform.

Iodoform (n.) A yellow, crystalline, volatile substance, CI3H, having an offensive odor and sweetish taste, and analogous to chloroform. It is used in medicine as a healing and antiseptic dressing for wounds and sores.

Iodoquinine (n.) A iodide of quinine obtained as a brown substance,. It is the base of herapathite. See Herapathite.

Iodous (a.) Pertaining to, or containing, iodine. See -ous (chemical suffix).

Ioduret (n.) Iodide.

Iodyrite (n.) Silver iodide, a mineral of a yellowish color.

Iolite (n.) A silicate of alumina, iron, and magnesia, having a bright blue color and vitreous luster; cordierite. It is remarkable for its dichroism, and is also called dichroite.

Io moth () A large and handsome American moth (Hyperchiria Io), having a large, bright-colored spot on each hind wing, resembling the spots on the tail of a peacock. The larva is covered with prickly hairs, which sting like nettles.

-ion () A noun suffix denoting act, process, result of an act or a process, thing acted upon, state, or condition; as, revolution, the act or process of revolving; construction, the act or process of constructing; a thing constructed; dominion, territory ruled over; subjection, state of being subject; dejection; abstraction.

Ion (n.) One of the elements which appear at the respective poles when a body is subjected to electro-chemical decomposition. Cf. Anion, Cation.

Ionian (a.) Of or pertaining to Ionia or the Ionians; Ionic.

Ionian (n.) A native or citizen of Ionia.

Ionic (a.) Of or pertaining to Ionia or the Ionians.

Ionic (a.) Pertaining to the Ionic order of architecture, one of the three orders invented by the Greeks, and one of the five recognized by the Italian writers of the sixteenth century. Its distinguishing feature is a capital with spiral volutes. See Illust. of Capital.

Ionic (a.) Of or pertaining to an ion; composed of ions.

Ionic (n.) A foot consisting of four syllables: either two long and two short, -- that is, a spondee and a pyrrhic, in which case it is called the greater Ionic; or two short and two long, -- that is, a pyrrhic and a spondee, in which case it is called the smaller Ionic.

Ionic (n.) A verse or meter composed or consisting of Ionic feet.

Ionic (n.) The Ionic dialect; as, the Homeric Ionic.

Ionic (n.) Ionic type.

Ionidium (n.) A genus of violaceous plants, chiefly found in tropical America, some species of which are used as substitutes for ipecacuanha.

Ioqua shell () The shell of a large Dentalium (D. pretiosum), formerly used as shell money, and for ornaments, by the Indians of the west coast of North America.

Iota (n.) The ninth letter of the Greek alphabet (/) corresponding with the English i.

Iota (n.) A very small quantity or degree; a jot; a particle.

Iotacism (n.) The frequent use of the sound of iota (that of English e in be), as among the modern Greeks; also, confusion from sounding /, /, /, /, //, etc., like /.

I O U () A paper having on it these letters, with a sum named, and duly signed; -- in use in England as an acknowledgment of a debt, and taken as evidence thereof, but not amounting to a promissory note; a due bill.

Iowas (n. pl.) A tribe of Indians which formerly occupied the region now included in the State of Iowa.

Ipecac (n.) An abbreviation of Ipecacuanha, and in more frequent use.

Ipecacuanha (n.) The root of a Brazilian rubiaceous herb (Cephaelis Ipecacuanha), largely employed as an emetic; also, the plant itself; also, a medicinal extract of the root. Many other plants are used as a substitutes; among them are the black or Peruvian ipecac (Psychotria emetica), the white ipecac (Ionidium Ipecacuanha), the bastard or wild ipecac (Asclepias Curassavica), and the undulated ipecac (Richardsonia scabra).

Ipocras (n.) Hippocras.

Ipomoea (n.) A genus of twining plants with showy monopetalous flowers, including the morning-glory, the sweet potato, and the cypress vine.

Ipomoeic (a.) Pertaining to, or designating, an acid obtained by the oxidation of convolvulin (obtained from jalap, the tubers of Ipomoea purga), and identical in most of its properties with sebacic acid.

Ir- () A form of the prefix in-. See In-.

Iracund (a.) Irascible; choleric.

Irade (n.) A decree of the Sultan.

Iran (n.) The native name of Persia.

Iranian (a.) Of or pertaining to Iran.

Iranian (n.) A native of Iran; also, the Iranian or Persian language, a division of the Aryan family of languages.

Iranic (a.) Iranian.

Irascibility (n.) The quality or state of being irascible; irritability of temper; irascibleness.

Irascible (a.) Prone to anger; easily provoked or inflamed to anger; choleric; irritable; as, an irascible man; an irascible temper or mood.

Irate (a.) Angry; incensed; enraged.

Ire (n.) Anger; wrath.

Ireful (a.) Full of ire; angry; wroth.

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